the brain machine

Your body is, first and foremost, your brain’s arguably-fashionable bone machine. It is a complicated suit of some armor controlled by what your brain commands. You can argue, but in every case that little resting mass will win.

I know my body cannot get “better,” but I can make it stronger and more capable. From invalid to adequate, I’m comfortable saying with the pride of knowing how profoundly rewarding being physical could be. This morning’s routine:

  • 20 push-ups (standing against a wall)
  • 2 laps walking the hall
  • 8 step up/down backwards on the staircase
Happy 10th Birthday Lola!

I’m proud of this. A few years ago, I’d have been embarrassed to make this kind of workout brag. But this is more than I’d have been able to do last year. Though still difficult to get out of bed, I can.

As she is a former yoga instructor and current Licensed Massage Therapist, I’d be a dink for not receiving help from my wife.

Always listen to your wife.

  • 20 push-ups standing against a wall – I’m trying to strengthen my left side, and core work
  • 2 laps walking the hall to help knee flexion, foot drop, balance, stability, strength & stamina
  • 8 steps up/down backwards on the an inside bottom stair – strengthen hip flexors, thighs, gluts & balance

I’m going to stick with this minimal routine but increasing attention to various elements like flexion and foot drop. The #1 goal is strength. When I do fall, hitting the floor seems to short a switch in my brain machine then blah blah paralysis blah. I won’t be able to move for at least 1-2 minutes, but when I can move I want my arms to be able to help me get back up.

While you can only give so many middle fingers to your own brain, each one is worth its cause. Oh, and stretch. And drink water. That really is good advice. Fight me.

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