Nice to meet you

When I received my MS diagnosis at 28, it wasn’t a total shock. I’d been having inexplicable symptoms since before puberty, and they had become my “normal.” Then I tested the “I’m just fat and lazy” medical hypothesis by losing over 60lbs; it was after the first 50 were gone that I ended up in the hospital with a Dx of MS (and a lifetime ban on the use of lawn mowers). Then I lost another 50.86361977_10221427147850209_4520638651691958272_n

I’m a writer and book cover artist. My love-of-my life and best friend wife is my greatest champion and caregiver. No matter the struggle, she’s always beside or behind me;

she keeps me from falling.

I just need a recoverable record of what things happen when… and if I happen to like talking about myself, then the internet is probably where I belong.

  1. Hey hey with all the love in the world from A&K over at Below the Radar. We nominated you for the Sunshine Award and would love for you to accept—but we know things come up and how many spoons it takes to go through that! Just know that you can find the post here,, with the acceptance rules and the nomination. Thank you for inspiring us and know that you will always have BTR on your side.

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