Posts Tagged ‘ teeth ’

Surprise Anticipated!

Sunday I broke my top left incisor. I went to the ER & instead of lip stitches (whew) got a dentist appointment for 8am Monday morning.

I’m embarrassed. It wasn’t even from a fall! Ok, so here’s the scene:

I’m sitting up in bed, enjoying a veggie smoothie in a large glass beer stein. It was essentially a large, solid mug with a large, solid handle and I’ve used it successfully for Nutribullet smoothies forever. Suddenly I hard-sneezed as I took a sip, felt the bite and a crack. At first I thought it must be the stein and frantically tried to clean and stop the blood.

I ran my tongue, started, and grabbed my phone. In selfie mode there it was: half of my front tooth was gone. Cat was in the car, then turned around to spirit me to the ER. The dentist took hours out of the next day. Ugh pandemic bills, amirite?

In summary, however, my tooth is fixed.

Today I was attired with an eeg headwrap. A masked technician spent a couple of hours explaining the device protocols, and off handedly mentioned the hardships of connecting electrodes to a long-haired scalp. My hair isn’t long but it is thick. I asked if this fit would would be easier if maybe I just shaved my head. Surprised by this candor, she hesitated. I had Cat get the clippers and take off most of my hair. No patient had ever done that, she laughed; I was assured that this would be a story.

I wear this head wrap until Friday afternoon; I will also see my hair again for the first time in its current close cut condition. Surprise anticipated!

The most aggravating part of the next 72 hours will be the cameras recording me in two directions. Also, I’m carrying a long-strapped fanny pack wherever I go. It’s going to make it difficult to get to the toilet, despite recommended additional hydration. I mean fine; I only drink coffee and water anyway. But now the bedside toilet is no longer bedside, so in addition to the difficulty of simply moving my body easily there, I’ll have a maze to run while hanging on to an expensive electric device.

I’m scared of getting hurt in the next 3 days, but if a mouse can solve a maze, so can I.